Our fale in Vavau on the south side of the island.
Waterfall with an unbelievably long name on the cross island road.
We had a little (ok a lot) of trouble with this little car. The battery died TWICE (once when we were about an hour and a half from the rental place), and when we got to the airport to trade the car for Ben's passport there was no one there. We called several times and were assured that the drivers were "on their way." Finally 20 minutes before the last flight of the day departed for American Samoa the guy shows up with the passport.
We arrived at this waterfall with just enough time to take some pictures and jump in before it started raining. It was still nice sitting in the open fales watching the waterfall listening to the rain. While it was raining we started talking to a Samoan who was at the falls supervising a group of American teenagers. He told us he worked for the Coral Reef Academy, an off-shore treatment program for troubled teenage boys. We talked to a couple of the guys and they all seemed like pretty decent kids. Amazing what a couple months in the South Pacific can do!